Our Book

Our goal at Dance Again Ministries is to enlarge the capacity of the heart for more of God's love in order to become more like Christ everyday. My husband and I are working for the cause to see justice restored in the American home, by bringing relationships back to life and families who were once mourning, dancing again through biblical counsel. Each person who seeks counsel, comes with their own unique circumstances. Through the leading of the Holy Spirit, each individual is counseled based upon their specific need. The only material used for counsel is the Bible, believing that Scripture is sufficient for all of life's circumstances.

I hope you enjoy my first book. It is the testimony of my family and how the Holy Spirit has brought us back to life....dancing again! We hope you are inspired to seek biblical counsel yourself in hopes of sharing your very own testimony of how the Holy Spirit worked in your own personal life.

Many blessings,
Michele Pyatt, Author

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